Business Coach & Mentor

Omar Abu Hamdan

Entrepreneur, Investor

Meet Your Mentor

Hey! I’m Omar – a parallel entrepreneur with multiple businesses in different industries including healthcare, real estate, construction, general contracting, trade and business consultancy services.

Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, I worked as a strategy consultant for PwC – one of the largest global advisory firms – where I specialized in developing different business strategies to help my clients identify new opportunities to grow and optimize their businesses. On paper, I had the perfect job, and guess what – I was miserable. I suddenly became acutely aware that I was working so hard for so many hours a day only to make someone else richer.

I was not okay with this.

Quitting my safe and secure 9-5 job that paid the bills was one of the hardest and scariest decisions I ever made, especially that I didn’t have much savings. It was also the best decision I ever made.

If you’re anything like I was and are dying to start your own business, I’d love to support you and teach you the lessons I learned the hard way that have revolutionized how I approach business and making money.

Why I Do What I Do

The path to entrepreneurship is not easy, and it can be damn discouraging at times. This is mostly because there is no one conventional path to follow – each entrepreneur is an explorer in his or her own right. Having said that, there are navigational tools and lessons that you can learn from those who successfully journeyed before you to help increase your chances of success and minimize the mistakes you may make, many of which can cost you a lot of money, time and effort.

And believe me – you want to avoid those mistakes.

 When I look back at when I started my first business, I wish I had someone there to guide me during those difficult moments when the path ahead just seemed so unclear and confusing. I made mistakes. A lot of them. All of which could have been avoided had I known then what I know now.

But, those mistakes did teach me some of the best lessons I’ve ever learned. And they contributed to the best decisions I ever made thereafter.

Now, I want to pass along these lessons to others trying to find their way and I hope that by doing so, I can shine a light on their path and help guide them to success.

Do you DREAM of starting your business but are TOO AFRAID of failure to take that first step? Are you someone who took the leap but made mistakes along the way and are in need of some guidance as to how to best move forward? I can help you.

My goal here is to ensure that you have the highest chance of success on your journey to entrepreneurship and also, to minimize the mistakes you will make along the way.

business, case, work

My Commitment To You

Let me clear up a few things before we start.

Unlike a lot of the misleading adverts for business coaching out there, I’m not going to make some unreasonable promise or absurd guarantee that you will make millions of dollars in a couple of months just by hiring me as your coach.

This simply isn’t how the world works.

Starting a business is hard work. It requires guts, money, resilience, patience, adaptability, sharp decision-making, lifestyle changes, and much more. It’s challenging, exciting and quite frankly, scary as hell. Brace yourself.

There will be many stressful situations ahead in which you will need to tap into an unbelievable amount of resources just to survive. But the rewards will be worth it. And it will get easier with time as you gain more knowledge, experience, and resources. The most important thing, I believe, is simply not to give up.

Now, as your business coach and mentor, I commit to:

  • Bring the full scope of my professional and training experience to you.

  • Guide and support you throughout the different stages of your journey.

  • Provide you with the tools for planning and strategizing for a business.

  • Ensure you understand the proper steps required to set up a business.

  • Show you how to raise capital from investors.

  • Hold you accountable to your commitments and ensure you stay focused.

  • Teach you how to effectively and smoothly manage and grow your business.

  • Respect your privacy by keeping all information shared strictly confidential.

Please note that in order to be able to provide my clients with the time, quality and value each deserves, I am very selective in deciding who I take on as a coaching client. Moreover, my one-on-one coaching service is limited to a small number of clients at any one time.

This allows me to give each client a more personalized and focused experience, and ensure the best use of my time throughout our journey together.

Book Your Complimentary Call Today

You’ve got enough to worry about at the moment. Let me help you carry the burden of figuring it all out.

Feedback & Reviews

“Thank you for both your coaching and the lively, worthwhile training sessions you provided for my staff. You helped me both personally and professionally, which is important for my business success.”

Elie A.

“I cannot stress how valuable my 12 months of coaching with Omar were! I always wanted to start my own business but was always afraid to make the jump. It was a challenging journey, but Omar’s guidance and focus on developing a proper success mindset first, made the different strategies we developed together simple and easy to implement.”

Joseph K.

“I was always thought starting a business is risky, but Omar’s wealth of knowledge and experience really simplified it for me, and by going through the different steps he advocated, I was able to develop my plan, get an angel investor on board and break even within the first 14 months of my business.”

Layla K.